Rhianna Nagel
Join Lunchable Learning Monday, January 31st at noon PT! Rhianna Nagel will share with us her experience and expertise with mentorship and mentorship programs. You won’t want to miss it!
Rhianna Nagel runs the Community-Engaged Learning (CEL) Office in the Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation at the University of Victoria. She comes to this work through interests in asset-based community building, learning through reflection on doing, and social and ecological interconnectedness. She has participated as a mentor and a mentee in a number of mentorship programs and fosters mentorship relationships in CEL.
Show Notes
Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle
Listener Challenge
Think of two gifts you have to share and find a way you can share them with someone. Let us know! #LunchableLearning #ds106radio or comment on our blog.
Podcasts for post-secondary educators and for self-care/fun
Gettin’ Air – Terry Greene
Teaching in Higher Ed – Bonni Stachowiak
OEG Voices – Alan Levine
Song Exploder – Hrishikesh Hirway
Praxis Pedagogy – Tim Carson
Lecture Breakers – Bobbi Honeycutt
MBS (Michael Bungay Stanier)
Connection – One Republic
I Love my Dog – Cat Stevens
Cold Heart – Elton John , Dua Lipa and PNau
Listener Challenge
Think of two gifts you have to share and find a way you can share them with someone. Let us know in the comments section below.