“Lunchable Learning” is a weekly web radio show live-streamed Mondays at noon on ds106 Radio. We aired 10 shows Fall 2021 and are back for more programming for spring 2022!

The goal of “Lunchable Learning” is to provide post-secondary educators with professional learning in a new and fun format that explores and models digital literacy and a curious, experimental mindset. The radio show will aim to:

  • Raise awareness of current hot topics in B.C. post-secondary education
  • Feature guest interviews with individuals from the post-secondary sector
  • Highlight tools and tips for teaching and group facilitation
  • Encourage experiments with teaching and learning strategies through challenge activities
  • Provide resources on show topics for listeners to read and explore further

“Lunchable Learning”: Trending topics, tools, and tips for those who teach and love to learn, brought to you by BCcampus. For more information and to tune in, go to https://listen.ds106rad.io/  or to the radio player on our home page http://lunchablelearning.opened.ca  

Join the conversation on Twitter: #ds106radio #LunchableLearning



Leva Lee, host 

Leva is manager of Learning + Teaching at BCcampus. She has many years of experience leading online learning projects and professional development opportunities for the secondary and post-secondary education sectors in B.C., with a background in open and distance learning and educational technology. Her special interests are micro-learning design, fostering communities of practice, and creative facilitation practices for learning engagement. She is a Liberating Structures practitioner and an enthusiastic promoter of the B.C. post-secondary community and those committed to improving the student experience. When not online, you can find Leva inspecting her fledgling flower and vegetable garden, reading one of too many recipe books, or trying to eke out time in the day to sketch or do art.

Twitter: @levalee

LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/levalee


Helena Prins, host

Helena is an advisor of Learning + Teaching at BCcampus and coordinates the Facilitating Learning Online (FLO) portfolio. She began her career as a high-school teacher in South Africa. Over the past 20 years, Helena has taught students of all ages and stages on four continents. A golden thread throughout her teaching experiences has been breaking down barriers to learning. Prior to joining BCcampus in 2020, Helena worked as a career learning and development advisor at Royal Roads University. As an immigrant, she values the opportunity to support all students, especially international students, in finding and building their career path in Canada. She is a certified career strategist with Career Professionals Canada. Helena is currently also associate faculty at Royal Roads University.

Twitter: @helenaprins

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/helenaprins


Harper Friedman, technical producer  

Harper is the open textbook production assistant at BCcampus. He initially joined the team as a co-op student and during that time helped create and facilitate several webinars in partnership with Helena and the Learning + Teaching team. A recent graduate of the University of Victoria, Harper is using his skills to help create openly licensed educational resources and produce this radio show. In his spare time, you can find him falling off 15-foot walls while bouldering, walking around town with his field recorder, and learning about web app development.



For more information about Lunchable Learning contact support@bccampus.ca.